Today we hosted a Mother’s Day Painting Program. Given that today was Mexican Mother’s day, and that American Mother’s day is this Sunday, the library felt it was time for a program that was all for the mamas. We started with a pile 0f blank bird houses, and by the end of the day we only had 4 left! We would like to declare this program a rousing success! Mamas of all kinds were able to come in today, sit down, drink some refreshing mint water, and even snack on some chocolate truffles. The little one’s had an entire section to themselves for coloring, crafting, and even an area where they could simply sit down to enjoy a movie. Pictured below we have some fun moments from the day.
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Nothing like a fresh green base
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Treats for the Mommas
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Here a patron uses one of the stencils on her house!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
A beautiful spread of supplies and color
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Here is the Sticking Station, allowing mothers to decorate with more than just paint!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Four beautiful bird homes, ready for the move in!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Perfecting the trim
Mothers Day Bird House Project
A barrage of color!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Adding flowers to that side paneling!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
We only had four blank houses left! (We started with 20!)
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Even new moms need a "break" sometimes!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Gorgeous blue and yellow number with fluffy roof top decor
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Coffee and Mint Water to energize and refresh!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Look at the colors sported by this parrot!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Main Supply Table, we had many, but this is where all of the basic "arting" necessities were kept.
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Putting on that base coat!
Mothers Day Bird House Project
Craft section for all the littles, complete with a quietly playing movie!
Mother's Day Bird House Project
Mommas gathered to create some beautiful art today!
Mother's Day Bird House Project
Ever moms with the littlest littles were able to breathe for a moment and just create!